In 1917, a stray little Boston Terrier began wandering around the lawn of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. Yale was one of the oldest and most famous colleges in the United States. At that time, the campus of Yale was bustling not only with students, but with soldiers training before they leaving to fight in the first world war. . 

But back to the little stray dog. He was a cute as could be! He also loved people. When the soldiers lined up to march, the pup lined up with them and followed wherever they went. Though his legs were short, he playfully scampered along and tried to keep up. Some of the soldiers quickly made friends with the pup. They named him “Stubby,” in honor of his short, stubby tail that wagged so happily when he was near his new friends. 

All too soon, the soldiers were done with their training. It was time for them to sail to France where they would fight in the war. The soldiers were sorry to leave Stubby behind. Stubby didn’t want to be left behind either! He had joined the army and planned to stay in it!

A soldier named James, who loved Stubby especially well, snuck the little pup onto the ship and hid him there. When the great ship tooted its massive horn and steamed out of the harbor, Stubby was still on board. He was going to France with the rest of the soldiers to help fight the war! James tried to keep Stubby hidden on the ship, but it was impossible.

When the commanding officer discovered Stubby, the soldiers wondered what he would do. That’s when Stubby took matters into his own paws. Before the commanding officer could get out a word of surprise, Stubby, who had been trained to salute like a good little soldier, gave him a smart salute! The officer was so impressed, he said that Stubby could stay!

As the soldiers began to fight in the war, they soon found that Stubby was more than just a fun pup to have around! Like many dogs, Stubby had a very good sense of smell. The little Boston Terrier also had very good hearing!

In that terrible war, the enemy sometimes used a weapon called poison gas. Stubby, who was injured by the poisonous gas himself once time, learned to sniff it out long before the soldiers even knew it was coming. When he sensed this danger, the smart little dog learned how to tell the soldiers so they could protect themselves.

Stubby could also hear shells (which were like dangerous big bullets) coming before the soldiers could. When Stubby smelled or heard danger, he barked and barked until the soldiers went into their trenches. Once Stubby even caught an enemy spy lurking around the camp. Stubby caught the man by the seat of the pants and held him until the soldiers could take him away.

Wherever he went, Stubby encouraged and comforted the soldiers. When Stubby was at the front of the battle, he went out into what was called “no man’s land.” In that dangerous place in between where the two sides were fighting, Stubby would find and comfort soldiers who were hurt. When Stubby himself got hurt, he was taken to visit soldiers in the hospitals. To soldiers in difficult times, the brave little dog brought smiles and comfort even as he was healing from his own wounds.

Through 17 battles, Stubby served right alongside the soldiers–helping them all the way. His amazing talent to know about danger ahead of time and alert the soldiers saved many lives. At the end of the war, an army leader named General Pershing was so impressed that he gave Stubby a special honor. The brave little pup who had been just a stray became the only dog ever in the United States Army to be promoted to sergeant.

Sergeant Stubby earned a number of medals for all the brave things that he did.  A special coat was made to pin all his medals to. This made him look very important when in full uniform! During the war and after, Sergeant Stubby continued to love—and be loved—by his very special friend James. 

The story of Sergeant Stubby can teach us a lot about God. Stubby was loyal to his soldier friends. Before the war, he went wherever they went. He didn’t want to be apart from them. And when the soldiers went through the difficult times of the war, Sergeant Stubby was right by their side. 

God is loyal like that. The Bible tells us that “He will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

You never walk alone because God is by your side through every up and down!

Things to Do

  1. Thank God for remaining faithfully with you your whole life, in good and bad times.
  2. Draw Sergeant Stubby sitting with a soldier to remember God is always with you too.
  3. Share Stubby’s story of devoted service and talk about how God stays with you, no matter what happens.

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