Exploring Nature Series
The first term paper I ever wrote (7th grade) was about dolphins, and I’ve been interested in them ever since. Some years back, I wrote a nature poem with facts about dolphins for my kids. I followed that up with a book about lions, one about hippos, and one about sloths. I’m not sure why I chose those creatures to start. They just seemed interesting at the time.
I’d forgotten about the poem, but found it years later when going through the treasures my mother had saved. I showed them to my dear friend (and very talented illustrator) Olena Lykova. Olena is a Ukrainian, currently living in Germany due to the war. Olena offered to illustrate the nature poems, and she really brought them to life.
Dylan the Dolphin is now published, with Henry the Hippo coming close on his heels. Sally the Sloth is next, to be followed by Lenny the Lion. And we hope there will be more to come. We hope you (and your children) enjoy learning about these wonderful animals as much as we have!